FOREVER® Digitization

Fill your Box with home movies, photos, and other items. We do the rest, digitizing your memories and adding them to your , , or .

Need some extra help?

Call us at 1-888-FOREVER

Customer Reviews

What customers are saying.

Effortless Digitization

Fill your FOREVER Box with Photos & Home Movies, we'll handle the rest.

  • 1.

    Fill Your Box & Ship

    Fill your box with videotapes, photos, and films. Use the guide and barcode tags included. Double box for safety and attach the pre-paid shipping label.

  • 2.

    Track Progress

    Track your memories with real-time updates while our team of specialists uses state-of-the-art digitization technology for perfectly preserved results.

  • 3.

    Items Digitized & Returned

    Receive your new digitized items in the FOREVER cloud and/or on thumb drive, or DVD, plus your originals back handled with care.

  • 4.

    Make Them Permanent

    Transfer your memories into your permanent FOREVER cloud storage and sharing account. Buy more FOREVER storage if necessary.

Secure Permanent Storage

Buy FOREVER® Storage

At FOREVER, we believe that family stories should never be lost. That's why we built the world's first permanent home for your family memories.

While most digitization services simply convert your memories from one temporary format to another, FOREVER offers FOREVER® permanent cloud storage, where you can organize, share, and preserve your memories for generations online.

Once you digitize your memories with FOREVER and preserve them with , you will never have to convert them again.

That's right — FOREVER will save, protect, and make your memories available to be enjoyed now and for generations into the future.

No other company has thought about the long-term digitization of your memories like we have.

What is an item?

Add any combination of these items to your box.


1 Video = 1 Item

VHS, Beta, Hi8, Mini DV, DVD, or 3/4" U-matic


1 Audio = 1 Item

Cassette, record, 8-track, or reel-to-reel tape


50 ft. Film = 1 Item

50ft of 8mm, Super 8mm, or 16mm


25 Photo Prints = 1 Item


25 Slides = 1 Item

Standard 35mm slides


25 Negatives = 1 Item

35mm, APS and 110mm negatives

Extra Items

Have extra items? Just bag & tag them.

An "Item" is a simple pricing concept we use to help you understand the value of your box. However, you can organize and pack your box any way you like. You can also use our online Digitization Project Estimator to determine whether you will have additional charges.


Glad you asked.

  • What is an "Item"?

  • Why should I digitize my memories?

  • What if I have extra items that I want to add to my box?

  • How will I get my digitized items back?

  • Where do you ship to?

  • Can I order multiple copies of thumb drives and DVD sets of my digitized memories?

Contact Us

Our team is always happy to answer your questions.