In The Loop

We're Not Just a "Backup."

“World Backup Day” is getting to a point of relevancy where most people know it exists. And, while that’s a cool thing to see, it also begs the question: why?

For backups to be of such importance that they’re celebrated worldwide, it can be assumed there's a lesson learned in not backing up your files. And, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of that lesson, it’s not one you need to learn twice.

We’ve likely all experienced the stress of losing a file, but there’s a unique kind of pain in losing your photos & videos - files with memories attached to them. So, what can you do to avoid this?

In my opinion, the answer is simple: invest in FOREVER. Unlike most cloud storage options, FOREVER doesn’t operate on a “pay as you go” system, meaning at no point can we simply revoke your access to your memories. Make a one-time payment, or pay off your storage in 24 months. Either way, you’re not renting out a piece of the cloud - you own it. And that makes FOREVER, at its core, more than a backup. FOREVER is a home.

Beyond that, FOREVER isn’t exclusively cloud storage. We’re a complete memory-keeping solution that prioritizes celebrating memories the way you want to celebrate them! That means we offer digitization services for all of your home movies, slides, and other legacy media (talk about something that needs a backup, right?), as well as the ability to create photo gifts for at-home enjoyment.

Your mind can’t be the only place your memories are kept safe; it’s time to back up.

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